Bladder health

It can easily happen to anyone, and urinary incontinence is more common as time goes on, causing individuals to leak urine accidentally.
Urinary incontinence can be caused by anatomic changes that may happen in childbirth, weakening of the muscles, bladder infections, and medical problems. It is always reasonable to try a conservative management first, such as MonaLisa Touch Laser, Emsella electromagnet, O-shot, and some behavioral methods. These methods use non-invasive methods to treat the vaginal area and around the bladder to provide strength and support and rejuvenate tissue here. These methods can often postpone or eliminate the need for surgery. Then procedures and surgeries can be considered if needed such as periuethral bulking and mid-urethral sling, to name a few.
Look to Dr. Kennedy for the least invasive ways to start healing the bladder from incontinence to avoid surgery or to make sure that it is absolutely needed. Call for an appointment, 850-916-7766.
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