This page will:
Provide tips for women who want to maintain the best levels of health, appearance, long-gevity, and any other topics that relate to your body and mind.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these topics, call our office and we will see if we can help you directly or if we are having any seminars related to your situation.
Contact us for dates of seminars and appointments for free consults. There are low introductory rates and discounts available.
Index of Tip Topics
You can either click on any of the underlined topic links below to jump to the topic description, or simply scroll down to view the tips as desired.
Hormones & Blood Clots
A night of Adult Sex Education
Mammograms past age 75
Optiman Health and Well-Being - Hormone Balancing
Protet Against Cervical Cancer
Should I Stop having Paps after a Hysterectomy?
Menopause and Migraines
Postmenopausal Bleeding
Bio-identical Hormones
Symptoms to Consider
NSAIDS: ibuprofen and naproxen
Six points about long acting contraception
Benefits of a small private practice
Have you done your mammogram?
Don't be Scary!
When can I stop doing paps?
Naturally-based hair care
Some Past (& Future) Seminars
Feel 20 years younger: hormones can improve energy, libido, mental focus, muscle tone, motivation, hot flushes, and more. Hormone pellets can restore levels and health from younger years and makes a drastic difference in the way we feel and perform. Traditional hormone replacement can help symptoms across the board also. See how pellets can restore so many of life’s functions and pleasures!
Monday, January 27, 6:30 PM
Karen Kennedy MD, Gulf Breeze office, 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Suite 201, behind Gulf Breeze Hospital
Here is the latest technology to treat several cosmetic concerns: face wrinkles, pigmented, and vascular areas, scars and stretch marks, improve collagen that we lose, cellulite, and more.
The Icon laser can decrease pigmented spots, red spots, and wrinkles anywhere they are visible. It is the best method for hair reduction on any part of the body. It can decrease scars and stretch marks also.
TempSure increases collagen and can treat fine and coarse wrinkles and give a smoothness to the skin. It can decrease the appearance of cellulite.
SculpSure can permanently destroy fat cells in troublesome areas of the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, and chin.
MonaLisa Touch is still toping the charges in improving vaginal symptoms of dryness and painful intercourse as well as bladder irritability and bothers.
Wednesday, January 15, 6:30 PM
Karen Kennedy MD, Gulf Breeze office, 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Suite 201, behind Gulf Breeze Hospital
Optimizing Health seminar
Anti-aging for mind, body, skin
Management of heavy menstrual bleeding
MonaLisa Touch Seminar
SculpSure for Fat Reduction
Hormones & Blood Clots
February 18, 2019: Some Hormones do not Increase Blood Clots.
A large study showed that transdermal estrogens, patches and creams, do not increase the chance of blood clots, which could also mean heart attacks and strokes. Pellets placed beneath the skin do not increase the chance of blood clots or breast cancer, testosterone can even decrease breast cancer. The effect is dependent on the type of estrogen used and the dose. It is important to know the risks of hormones and be on the safest alternative.
A Night of Adult Sex Education
February 4, 2019: Medical aspects you should know.
Many women and men experience changes in sexual health, libido, overall energy, motivation, and more, over time. Hormone replacement by pellets can restore these functions as well as reduce health disorders. Mona Lisa Touch laser therapy can improve vaginal dryness and bladder symptoms. Starting with an individualized approach, most of these problems can be cured to improve sex and energy.
MonaLisa Touch, 5:15 PM, Thursday February 21
Hormone pellets with BioTE®, 6:00 PM, Thursday February 21
Gulf Breeze office, Suite 201, 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy
RSVP here or 916-7766
Mammograms Past Age 75
A study was done looking at mammograms in women over 75 years old, and they are more accurate and sensitive in detecting cancers. They are more easy to find early, and therefore removed early. The life expectancy for women in the US is 81 years old, and 25% of women 65 years old now will live to be over 90 years old. Of those found with cancers over 75, 98% underwent surgery for treatment and cure. Since women are living longer and many are healthy, it makes sense not to deprive them of screening mammograms that could improve health and longevity.
I feel the same about pap smears and pelvic health, it is suggested that women can stop paps at 70 years old. But many women are very healthy in their 80's, 90's, and 100's, I believe it is beneficial to screen those women to prevent disease and cancers and allow them to live healthier. There is no reason to stop screening healthy women at any age that can help them continue to enjoy their lives and families at any age.
Optimal Health and Well-Being - Hormone Balancing:
Hormones can promote health and wellness and even prevention. Restoring and balancing hormones can make a significant difference in quality of life.
Hormone restoration can diminish symptoms of:
- Anxiety and irritability
- Depression
- Extreme fatigue
- Difficulty sleeping
- Low libido
- Memory loss, mental fog, confusion
- Joint pain
- Night sweats and hot flashes
- Weight gain and loss of muscle mass
Specifically, hormone pellet therapy may reduce the risk of:
- Breast cancer
- Heart disease
- Osteoporosis
To see if hormone balancing is right for you, I am available for consults and discussion. BioTE hormone pellets have the advantage of releasing bioidentical hormones into the body the way hormones are naturally released from the ovaries and testes. I am excited to personally discuss the benefits of hormone individualization! Contact me at 916-7766.
You can see several videos containing hormonal balance information and patients' testimonials by clicking on the "Hormones" tab on the menu above or by pressing here: Hormones The videos are at the bottom of that page.
I am providing several seminars on the theory and science behind hormones and their benefits, and why pellet therapy specifically is focused to manage these symptoms. Gain knowledge on improving wellness from many aspects to optimize feeling vivacious. Our last seminar was on Tuesday, May 15th at 5:30 PM. Call our office for information on future seminars at 916-7766. Both men and women are welcome.
Bio-identical Hormones
July 18, 2018: Restore your health with Bio-Identical Hormones.
Goal: Replace and restore natural hormones that decrease as we age to optimum levels.
Improves: One's well being and quality of life.
Promotes: A longer and healthier lifespan which is the essence of preventative and restorative medicine.
Feeling better again can start with a simple blood test. Contact our office now to schedule an appointment. (850) 916-7766
Symptoms to Consider
June 27, 2018: Do you live with any of these symptoms? Fatigue & lack of energy, difficulty sleeping at night, reduced mental focus & memory, hot flashes & night sweats, difficulty losing weight, moody/anxious or depressed, decreased muscle strength & joint pain or reduced sexual desire/performance. Feeling better again can start with a simple blood test. Contact my office now to schedule an appointment. (850) 916-7766
NSAIDS: ibuprofen and naproxen, and many prescriptions
June 24, 2018:
A woman who uses NSAIDS around the time of conception before she knows she is pregnant can have a 4 fold increase is miscarriages in the first 8 weeks of the pregnancy. Women who can or are trying to get pregnant should use these very sparingly and not around ovulation.
NSAIDS have more risks than we previously thought of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke due to bleeding. They can also increase GI bleeding and irritation and kidney dysfunction.
Occasional to regular NSAID use can decrease the chance of some cancers and progression of these cancers. They have benefits in significantly decreasing menstrual cramping and musculoskeletal and general pains.
Bottom line, people who are fairly healthy can benefit from occasional use of NSAIDS, but we are all warned of the possible adverse effects.
Protect Against Cervical Cancer
October 8, 2018: Gardasil is now approved for females and males age 9 to 45. It has recently been confirmed to be effective in our 20's to 40's, where before it was not known. Gardasil decreases the chance of cervical cancer by 90% and genital warts by 70%. It is a series of 3 vaccinations over 6 months, and it protects from getting some of the worst types of HPV (human papillomavirus).
Should I Stop having Paps after a Hysterectomy?
August 21, 2018: Had a hysterectomy, think you're done with paps? Think again; even after hysterectomy with removing the cervix, 10% of women will have dysplasia or cancer of the vagina. These women will not get cervical cancer, but vaginal cancer is possible. Just like cervical cancer, vaginal cancer can be prevented with pelvic exams and paps. Keep healthy, keep current!
Menopause and Migraines
August 19, 2018: Migraine headaches can change with menopause, and usually migraines can increase with the onset of menopause. If the hormone change is more drastic, the migraine can be worse. Many body changes, migraines and more, can change with menopause, and they can be managed with hormonal manipulation or other non-hormonal ways. Watch for any body changes around and after menopause, and always work to feel your best!
Postmenopausal Bleeding
August 8, 2018: In the news: Postmenopausal bleeding should be evaluated; 91% of women with endometrial cancer have bleeding before diagnosis of cancer. Of women with postmenopausal bleeding, about 10% of them will have endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is the most common GYN cancer, and the incidence is increasing. Yearly well woman exams are very important to screen for several cancers. Let me know how I can help!
Six points about long acting contraception
October 7, 2017:
1. Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) consists of the IUD's in the uterus, which have hormones or no hormones, or the drug implant in the arm.
2. The IUD's last between 3 and 10 years; the implant lasts 3 years.
3. LARCS are over 98% effective in preventing pregnancy.
4. LARC use in the US is increasing to 11.6% in 2012, from 2.4% in 2002.
5. Unintended pregnancies decreased around 2010 by 6%, mostly because of LARC use.
6. Many women continue their LARC method, 70% still have their IUD after 3 years, and 55% still have the arm implant after 3 years.
Let me know what I can do for you!
Benefits of a small private practice
Many people have preferences for different types of medical practices, ranging from a single-physician office to a large multi-practice group, possibly affiliated with a hospital or medical insurance company. We will try to provide some comparisons between the two major types for your consideration.
Large (or Multi-Speciality) Group
Privacy - Access to medical records, social security numbers, and personal data is available to many people, which includes numerous employees. Larger companies are more likely to have a data breach from outside hackers.
Referrals - Generally limited to the members within the group
Office Personnel - usually handle limited tasks due to the volume of work and may not be able to answer numerous questions. Several questions may require several employees for answers.
Personalized Relationships - large, multi-speciality medical groups may have physicians who do not stay with the group for a long time. Patients are treated very methodically and less as an individual.
Support Services - used by larger medical groups introduces another layer of people between you and your doctor. For example, if a patient needs a specific service or instrument it often requires approval by upper management as opposed to the treating physician's decision.
Medium-sized Practice
Privacy - Access to medical records, social security numbers, and personal data is available only to a limited few within the practice.
Referrals - We can refer a patient to one of many practictioners, for example, the best one for your individual situation.
Office Personnel - help service fewer patients than the large group practice, so they can be more personalized and knowledgeable of your situations.
Long-term Relationships - can more easily be established when a patient deals with a small number of physicians and office personnel who have longevity.
Support Services - are frequently supplied from within the practice's offices, instead of by outside companies. If you need a specific medical treatment, it can often be obtained immediately.
Have you done your mammogram?
October 25, 2017: October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Women 40 and above should have screening mammograms every year. Regular screening and early detection make breast cancer a very treatable condition. About 85% of women who get breast cancer don't have a family history, so everyone should be screened. Each woman has a 12% lifetime chance of breast cancer, and it is the most common cancer worldwide.
There are 250,000 women in the US diagnoses with breast cancer each year, and 40,000 deaths, but more women are surviving because of regular screening and advanced treatments.
I can help with screenings and evaluation, and I can assist with postmenopausal and hormonal symptoms after cancer treatment.
Don't be Scary!
October 22, 2017: It's Halloween, but get rid of excess fat for the holidays. SculpSure is the first FDA-cleared noninvasive office laser treatment that reduces stubborn fat. It is a simple laser treatment that can destroy fat cells under the chin, and in the abdomen, back, and thighs. The laser that does not alter or inject the skin. Eliminate up to 24% of fat thickness per treatment in the abdomen, thighs, back, and chin. Each treatment area is 25 minutes and there is no down time. You can visit, or call 850-916-1794 for more information.
When can I stop doing paps?
October 11, 2017: Guidelines from leading organizations say we can stop doing paps by 65 to 70 years old, and that we can stop after hysterectomy.
I respect this opinion, BUT I have had paps show cervical and other cancers beyond 70 years old, and I have seen advanced vaginal cancer a few years after hysterectomy. This does not include pelvic exams; pelvic exams should be done yearly to assess the entire pelvis for cancers and any other abnormalities. Part of this recommendation is admitting that advancing age comes with more health concerns and less utility in treating an older person. I will continue exams and paps as long as women believe they are healthy and want to remain healthy. I have many women in their 90's who still come for their yearly well woman exam, and I plan on keeping them gynecologically well! It's true, age is just a number, and I value all of my patients individually regardless of their birth year, and I plan on actively contributing to their health!
Naturally-based hair care
Products that we use externally can cause health problems, illnesses, and possibly cancers. Chemicals in common products such as hair care and soaps are causing an earlier menopause and infertility. Monat hair systems are naturally based and can decrease health problems associated with our products, and can improve hair growth and texture. There is a 46% increased growth, 48% decreased DHT (a hormone that causes thinning), and 55% less breakage and brittleness. Many people have issues with hair thinning and manageability, and this is a way to prevent these problems. Beyond Monat, there are other medications that can help with hair challenges that we can help combat.
A Few of our Past (& Future) Seminars
Optimizing Health seminar - How to feel better, lose weight, and look better! My guest was Melissa Adams, Health Coach - she has very good advice, and will be going over tips and tools to obtain and maintain optimal health.
Anti-aging for mind, body, skin - Nerium and Signum are partnering to provide full body and skin solutions for anti-aging, energy, and brain support.
Management of heavy menstrual bleeding - Exploring many options to be more comfortable without hysterectomy.
MonaLisa Touch Seminar - We discuss the laser treatment that helps women with painful sex, vaginal dryness, and bladder problems. This is a revolutionary, novel laser treatment for vaginal and bladder symptoms. Stop suffering and get back to the things you love to do in daily life.
SculpSure for Fat Reduction - SculpSure is a non-invasive office laser treatment that reduces stubborn fat. It is the first FDA-cleared laser treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin, and in the abdomen, back, and thighs.
Call the office at 850-916-7766 for dates of seminars and appointments for free consults. There are low introductory rates and discounts.