Hysterectomy with no visible incisions at all?

I am very proud to bring to the Florida Panhandle and Gulf Coast area the newest technology of hysterectomy and other gynecologic surgeries: incisionless. The national OBGYN society has always recommended that we approach hysterectomy with no incisions, with a vaginal approach if possible. Many women are not eligible for a strictly vaginal approach, it is too risky. I am bringing the technology of combining a vaginal approach with the safety of laparoscopy to our Gulf Coast area, and women love having no incisions for their hysterectomy!
This is done starting with traditional vaginal surgery, but adding a laparoscope and tiny instruments to complete the dissection all vaginally with increased safety compared to the usual vaginal approach from centuries ago. Almost all hysterectomies can be done this way with experienced hands. Women are leaving the hospital a couple hours after their hysterectomy, they are getting back to usual activities earlier, and have less pain.
Other surgeries that can be done without abdominal incisions are tubal ligation and tubal removal, and removal of one or both ovaries.
I am proud to be the only gynecologist offering this advanced incisionless technology to our area, I have done more of these procedures than most gynecologists in our southeastern area, and I am happy to bring this technique to you! Let me know how I can help you!
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